Mini Split Heat Pumps 101

Your home or commercial building likely has a heat pump. It works decently, but you know it could be better. That’s inspired you to look into a mini split heat pump instead. Still, before you commit, you’d like more information.
That’s what we’re here to provide in today’s post. Think of this as your mini split heat pump 101 lesson, as we’ll answer your most commonly asked questions.
What Is a Mini Split Heat Pump?
A mini split heat pump replaces the traditional heat pump in your home or office. If you have a building without ductwork, then a mini split heat pump is an especially good idea, as mini split systems are always ductless.
Outside of replacing your traditional heat pump furnace or heater, a mini split heat pump can also be used in lieu of heating systems like space heaters, radiant panels, and hydronic heating methods. Now you won’t have to use propane or kerosene to fill your space heater, which is a lot safer.
Your mini split is also a smart choice if you’re concerned with energy efficiency. Mini splits provide heating to the parts of a home or office that are the coldest. This focused heating prevents warm air from blowing where it’s not needed, allowing you to save money on your monthly energy bills.
How Does a Mini Split Heat Pump Work?
You’re definitely intrigued, but how will your mini split heat pump work? If your home or office has an air-source heat pump, the mini split heat pump isn’t all that different (well, minus the need for ductwork).
A mini split heat pump comprises two main components, the air-handling unit, which goes indoors, and the condenser or compressor, which is outdoors. You may add more than one air-handling unit depending on your heating needs.
The compressor connects to the indoor units via tubing. This tubing feeds refrigerant fluid to the air-handling unit. A condensate drain, often outside, lets the excess water that can accumulate drip right off.
As we mentioned in the last section, your mini splits go in the draftiest rooms of your home or office. When the unit runs, those rooms get heated to a temperature that you set.
What Are the Benefits of a Mini Split Heat Pump?
A mini split heat pump carries with it many benefits. Let’s talk more about these now.
- No need for ducts: If your home or commercial building is ductless, a mini split heat pump is the ideal solution for comfort.
- Great energy efficiency: Since you’re warming the building selectively, you’re not needlessly wasting energy.
- Lower energy bills: You might even notice that the monthly fees on your energy bills go down with a ductless mini split heat pump or several.
- Heating as you need it: You choose the rooms where the indoor air-handling units go as well as set the temperature. This lets you have customizable comfort you can’t find in a traditional heater.