How Far Can You Run Mini Split Lines?
You’ve decided to get a ductless mini split system installed. You’re excited for the heating and cooling potential and, most importantly, for the expected monthly savings to your energy bills going forward.
The day your ductless mini split outdoor condenser and indoor air-handling units will be installed is almost here. You’re wondering if there’s anything you should do to ready your yard before the technicians arrive. After all, how far can you run mini split lines anyway?
The standard length of mini split lines is 25 feet. Why is that? That’s the anticipated distance between the outdoor condenser and the nearest indoor air-handling unit. In some cases, the space from one unit to another may be slightly shorter at 15 feet, so you’d need a line that’s about as long.
The longest mini split line you can get is around 50 feet, sometimes double that, but in most situations, that should be considered way, way too much line. Only if you had a large backyard or some sort of unconventional mini split setup would the indoor air-handling unit and the condenser be separated by 50 feet or more.
The good news is that if you get your ductless mini split system installed by a team of professional technicians, you shouldn’t have to worry about the length of the line. The technicians will ensure the correct line length so it’s adequate for your setup.
Your next question is should you buy a cover for your ductless mini split lines? Most of these covers are made of plastic and are designed to fit over a line of a certain length, say 25 feet. Whether a mini split line cover is within your best interest depends on the setup in your yard.
If currently the lines are exposed to the elements, then yes, it’s a good idea to cover them. The sun’s harsh UV rays can fade the line and the rain and snow could soak the line and short it out. Hungry animals might see your mini split line and try eating it if it’s in clear view.
That’s not to say a plastic cover can detract animals, but it can add that second layer of protection against the elements. After all, like any part of your ductless mini split system, it’s important to maintain the line.
You could always reach out to your mini split technician and ask what they recommend pertaining to buying a cover for the lines.
Order Your Mini Split System Today at PowerSave AC
If you’re thinking of buying a ductless mini split system, trust in our team at PowerSave AC. We specialize in mini splits of all kinds, from single-zone units to multi-zone options for heating and cooling across a whole home or building.
You can also shop handy accessories, including replacement mini split lines up to 50 feet. If you’re looking for mini split Wi-Fi adaptors, charging vacuuming port adapters for air conditioners, or air curtains, we’ve got those as well. Call us today at 877-297-6594.