Essential Accessories for Your Mini Split

You just purchased a ductless mini split system for the home or office. You already appreciate the increase in heating or cooling, but you wonder if there’s more to your mini split system that you should have. For instance, do you need accessories to make your mini split even more efficient?
Absolutely! We recommend the following mini split accessories, all of which we’d regard as essential.
Mini Split Controllers
You’ll have an included remote control for each indoor air-handling unit that you can use to adjust the temperature per unit as you need it. Some mini split owners opt to buy an extra controller or two for optimal control of a multi-zone mini split system. Some controllers even connect to your smartphone so you can set the temperature of any indoor unit even if you’re not at home.
Wi-Fi Adapter
A Wi-Fi adapter lets you connect your ductless mini split system to your home or office’s Wi-Fi. Once you do that, you can take your system online and use the above functionality as well as other phone-based or computer-based commands to the mini split system.
Surge Protector
When you buy a new computer, you probably get a surge protector for that. Why should it be any different for your mini splits? If any devices or appliances in your home ever go over the max electric capacity available, a power surge can wreck all electronics, including your mini split. With a surge protector, your mini split system would be safeguarded so you don’t have to prematurely replace it.
Air Curtains
You might also consider air curtains for your mini split system. By installing air curtains around the home or office, warm air travels from the bottom up, eliminating draftiness. This can further augment the already impressive temperature control available to you through your mini split. You might find that you have to set the temperature less frequently with a few air curtains, saving even more money on your monthly energy bills.
Condenser Pad
The outdoor condenser or compressor unit shouldn’t be forgotten just because you don’t see it every day. A condenser pad, especially in conjunction with a mounting bracket, will better protect your condenser. The pad goes underneath the unit so it doesn’t get damaged by the ground while the mount keeps your condenser stable.
Alternately, you can use the mounting brackets on their own, creating a shelf for the condenser.
Refrigerant Adapter Fitting
When you or your mini split technician need to replace the refrigerant in the system, you’ll be glad to have a refrigerant adapter fitting handy. This fitting lets you reach the refrigerant line connection. Most have a swivel nut for quickly putting the fitting on and then taking it off when the work is finished.
Drain Tubing
The last must-have accessory for your mini split system is drain tubing. Since your indoor air-handling units will release moisture that becomes condensation, that liquid has to go somewhere. With drain tubing, you can feed the condensation out of the air-handling unit and somewhere outdoors.