Are Mini Splits Worth the Cost?

You’ve read this blog a lot lately, and now, more than ever, you’re interested in getting a ductless mini split system installed in your home or office. The only thing that’s holding you back is the money. Should you go forth with this project, would the cost be worth it?
Before we can answer that, we should discuss how much you can expect to pay if you get a mini split system installed. A unit can cost between $300 and $4,000 depending on its heating and cooling capacity. Installation may be anywhere from $200 to $1,000 based on the company you choose, how many mini splits you want installed, and the complexity of the work.
That leaves your project costs at $500 on the lower end and up to $5,000 on the higher end. An average air conditioner alone is $1,200 to $1,800, and that’s before you factor in the installation costs. Furnaces are far from cheap as well, as they’re priced at $1,795 to close to $6,300! Again, that’s for the unit by itself.
If you’re still not sure if mini splits are right for you, here are some reasons to convince you they’re worth the money.
They May Be More Inexpensive Than Traditional Heating or Cooling
All it takes is reviewing the numbers we outlined in the paragraphs above to see that you can save money on a ductless mini split system compared to a traditional furnace or air conditioner. An AC unit can cost less, but installing it can drive the costs up, possibly to several thousand dollars.
Where the money savings are much clearer is with a furnace. These units are far costlier, with some more than $6,000. What could increase furnace prices to such a high degree includes factors like whether the unit has any warranties, its energy efficiency, the brand, where you live, and how much heating you need.
Still, compared to buying a new furnace, you’re much better off getting a mini split system. You’ll end up saving a good deal of money in most instances.
You Can Target Particular Rooms That Need It Most
There’s another advantage mini splits have over traditional HVAC. With an in-home heater or air conditioner, you turn on the unit and it warms/cools your whole home or office. You can’t select rooms to cool or warm up. If some rooms are drafty or warmer than others, they don’t get concentrated heating or cooling.
That’s not so with a ductless mini split. You choose to get the mini split system installed in the rooms that require it, such as that drafty basement or the sunny den that gets overly warm. Now you can finally enjoy spending time in these room again.
They Take up Far Less Space Than HVAC Units
Furnaces are by no means small, nor are full-sized air conditioners. While sure, your centralized AC may have the primary unit located outside, these units are space hogs nonetheless. You can save some room with a mini split. The main mini splits themselves are quite small, which is part of their appeal. With the right installation, you can obscure your mini split so no one even has to know you have one.
It’s true there is an outdoor unit that powers the mini split, but this isn’t super sizable, either.